Hannah Mangan

Sales Associate

Hannah is a talented and passionate individual with a diverse background in marketing, retail, and hospitality. Her experience in these industries has shaped her exceptional skills in customer service and support. Having completed her Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice, she has transitioned into the role of a sales consultant within the Bendigo Real Estate team.
With a keen eye for detail and a creative mindset, Hannah brings a fresh and innovative approach to every project she undertakes. Her strong business wit and ability to understand customer needs make her a valuable asset in delivering exceptional results and exceeding client expectations.
In her personal life, Hannah is a proud owner of two dogs and a cat. Her love for animals reflects her compassionate nature and ability to connect with others. She values the companionship and joy they bring to her life.
Hannah's mission is to continually expand her knowledge of the real estate industry and become a reputable agent. She aims to provide exceptional service to her clients, assisting them in navigating the real estate market with confidence and success.
With her diverse background, expertise in business and customer service, and unwavering commitment to professional growth, Hannah is a valuable asset to any team. Her creativity, dedication, and drive make her the perfect partner for transforming visions into reality.