One of the biggest area of expenses in a rental property, we pride ourselves on being proactive on all maintenance to keep costs down before major issues arise

Maintenance and Repairs

It is the landlord’s duty to ensure that their property is maintained in good repair. In the event that we are reported any maintenance/ repairs, we shall advise you and seek your instructions.
We will provide photographic evidence where possible of issues that need attention to protect your investment.

Urgent Repairs:

Upon signing a management authority with us, you agree to funds up to $2500 including GST to be spent for any urgent repairs that are required at the property. These include Hot Water, Sewer Faults, Air Conditioner, Heater Repairs, Burst water main and power outage. As the homes are new, we would not envisage the need for this

We will always endeavour to contact you to seek your instructions relating to maintenance, however there may be times when we can’t contact you and need to act to comply with the current legislation. It is infinitely better that we authorise maintenance and control the expense

Cosmetic Maintenance:

We suggest you plant for the future replacement/ updating of items such as paint works, carpets, vinyl, curtains & drapes as rental properties are subject to increased wear & tear, we suggest an update approximately each 8-10 years. We recommend that you consultant and account regarding deductions.

Paying attention and providing upkeep to your property now will not only ensure a happy tenant and reduce you vacancy time, but will enhance the capital growth of your investment and ensure maximum return.